Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My first week in Sydney-Martin

My first week in Sydney was very difficult for me. I had jetleg for five days.People and cars go an the other side of the road. I was confused. I had to drive a car on my second day in Sydney. It was very dangerous for me and for the other people, but now I drive a car better than on my second day. Martin

My first week in Sydney (Emi Tsukui)

I arrived at the airport on a Saturday morning. The day was a fine day. I could see the sea from my homestay. My host family warmly welcomed me. On the next day, I walked around the beach. It was a very beautiful view. I was tensed up on the first day of ACE. I didn't hear that everyone spoke English. I played beach vollyball yesterday. I will go to the Christmas Concert next Friday.I want to spend more time with my friends in Sydney.


I arrived at the airport on Sept 20th. This time is a Korean festive day. So, I was uneasy. I was picked-up by a man, and I went to my homestay in his car. I didn't have any relatives or friends in Australia. I was lonely for a week. So, I didn't feel like doing anything. and I haven't slept a wink.
The next day, I did a walk of my surroundings. and in the afternoon, I went shopping in BIG W. I'm not particular about food. But, everyday they gave me pasta, here. So, I couldn't eat another bite. After a week, I started to study and meet foreign students. I don't speak English now, but I believe in myself. Well begun is half done!!

Kiyoka Hojo

I arrived at the airport on morning of the 9th December.
The driver picked me up and he drove me to the host families' house.
The host family welcomed me.
My host family showed me around the house and around Manly.
Then we decorated a Christmas tree.
The next day (10th December) I went to ACE and I met many Japanese people.
After class I went to the city with my new Japanese friends.
We saw the Opera house.It was very beautiful.
The next day(11th December) I played beach volleyball with ACE students after class.
I am still enjoying my first week in Sydney now!

Sunny's Sydney ( Sunyoung )

I remember when I arrived, I was very tired , the reason was because I took a flight for 10 hours. So I killed time by sleeping. I went to school on the second day. I didn't know about anything.
So my homestay housemate helped to me. I thought about thanking her on the second day when I met many friends. ...... Bella & Sunny (Sunny has the same nickname as me, so I was suprised at first).....

On the weekend I visited the city with Sunny . We visited many malls . We looked at many clothes & things but didn't buy them. Because we needed to hunt for a house . We visited many places and then came back to Manly. I remember that on that day, I was very tired . But my first city visit was very enjoyable .

Beat Baumgartner

My first week in Sydney

I arrived at the airport on a Saturday night. A taxi-driver was waiting for me at the meeting point. He brought me to Manly, to my home-stay-family. I was very tired and went to sleep. On Sunday, the weather was beautiful and I went to the beach for the rest of the day. I got sunburnt.

For the next few days, the weather changed, it was raining every day :-(

On Monday the 3.Dec.2007, it was my first day at school. I had a small exam. The first day was very easy. On my second school day I was went into my new class. There were many people in my class.



Fillipe... My First week in Sydney

I arrived at the airport on a Saturday morning.
I went to my homestay by taxi, I was very tired, because the flight was very long, so I only slept all day Saturday.
On Sunday, I went to the beach with my hostfriend called Raphael.
He was born in Italy, but he spoke English very well, because he studied in A.C.E. On Monday in the morning I started my first day at school, I was very anxious, because I always wanted to learn english.
My first week in Sydney was very interesting, because I wanted to know about many places very fast. I saw the Opera House, went shopping and I went to Bondi Beach and Dee Why, and I liked them.

Pasquale- My first week in Sydney

I arrived at the Airport in Sydney on the 26th November. My friends from Harbour Tutuli and John picked me and my girlfriend Christina up. We went to their house. We stayed there for the first week. During this week we went into Sydney city for shopping and sightseeing. The first week was very hard because we had bad jetlag.

The people are very friendly in Australia. I was surprised.


Leona's first day in Sydney

My first week in Sydney wasn't ordinary. We had new experiences in the new country,and I met new people.My brother showed me Sydney Opera House and the Harbour bridge , we went to Manly beach, and the National park.
In the evening we went to the Ivanhoe pub on the Corso, where I met my brothers friends and we ate very good a steak.
My first day wasn't interesting, I was very tired all day and I slept.
I flew from the Czech Republic with Korean Air. The flight was 26 hours.
When i got up on my first day, I spoke (on my mobile phone) with my mother and friends from the Czech Republic. They were satisfieded, that I 'm O.K.

Taichi- My first week in Sydney

I'm from Japan.My plane was supposed to arrive at the airport on a Sunday morning.But I arrived at the airport on a Sunday night. Because my aerplane had trouble. So It was delayed by one day.I went to hotel that was near. I stayed for one night.I departed early in the morning. so I was still sleepy.I arrived at Sydney airport safely but I was very late. I didn't know how I could go to the hostfamily, and it was night. I wet to hostfamilies home by taxi. so There was no help for it.

Monique's first day

I arrived at Sydney Airport on a Tuesday morning.
I took a taxi to Harbord because I only had one friend in Australia, but he was working. I was lonely then!
I found my homestay. It was very close to my school.
The next day, I went to ACE and met Kelly for my exam and started in my new class.
I made very good friends(especially Gianne- I miss you, my new boyfriend Hanspeter lol=)Fabian and Jakub) and the best teacher, Pamela.
They showed me all the good pubs and restaurants.
I love Australia.

Kisses bye bye.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mr Lee


Tomorrow is my last day of study in ACE( very unhappy ): Thank a lot to my teacher, her name is Pamela. She is very happy every day and her behavior is very good and very nice, I wish I could stay in Manly to study Engilsh, but it's impossible(I'm helpless): Beacuse my company called me back to Hong Kong. I think my company is very busy.

But here, I have spoken a lot of English, read, wrote, and listened to things i didn't know. Therefore I will return to Hong Kong and study Engilsh every day.

I'm in a class with fourteen students. They are all from different countries:Japan, Brazil, Switzerland, Korea, France, Italy and the Czech Republic. Jakub: he is very knowledgable and a very good man, Hanspeter: he is an interesting person and a very nice man, Fabian: he pays attention in every lesson and is a very happy man, Soo Young and Hee: They live in Manly and are good friends, they are very good man/woman, Gianne and Monique: They are very beautiful girl and very nice, Martin, Yoann, Fillipe, Taichi, Leona and Patrick are very very very good and nice men/women,

I hope in the future that I can see you again




Hi students elementary class and Pamela!!!
I very happy because I have new good friends.
I can back Brazil, in next week, but everybady stay in my hart.
Special kisses to Monique, my the best brasilian friend in Australia, I miss you.
See you!!!


Dear Monique,
what is it?You aren't in the school,today!This day we are learning new grammar = when we use
HOW MANY + THERE ARE [With countable,plural nouns] and HOW MUTCH + THERE IS[with uncountables nouns].

HOW MANY teachers ARE THERE in the ACE?- THERE ARE about 30,I thinks.

HOW MUCH sugar IS THERE in this cake? - It's okey.THERE ISN'T a lot.

L O O K O U T !!! ...............e n g l i s h s p e c i a l i t y !!!!!!!!!!!

Fruit + biscuit = uncountable nouns
Vegetables + bred = countable nouns

I have big my head. See you - BBQ. Leona

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


HaPpY 22nd BiRtHdAY YoAnN!!!!
Have a great day

Your classmates

ps. don't forget the bbq on Shelley beach!

Fabian's favourite movie

My favorite movie is 'Castaway'.
The actor is Tom Hanks.
His plane crashes on an island.
He survives the crash.
His friend is a Volleyball.
The name of the Volleyball is Willson.
The actor Tom Hanks misses his Girlfriend.


My favourite movie is "I'm Sam"

The man has bad intelligence ability but he is very pure.
He has a daughter.
He brought her up to be a child.
He fondled her , and hen he had to live seperately from his child.

Fillipe Padilha

My favorite movie is TROPA DE ELEITE.

This movie talks about Rio De Janeiro, so the movie is set in Brazil.

The actor is Vagner Moura.

Tropa De Elite is called BOPE. They denfend the population against the gangs. The Bope has about hundred officers and him is only called when the civil police can't get control of the situation, and in Rio de Janeiro this happens frequently .

It isn't a happy story, you need to see it.

Bourne Series by Soo Young

My favorite movie is the "Bourne Series".
The first movie is "Bourne identity" It was released in 2002, and second movie is "Bourne Supremacy" and the last movie is "Bourne Ultimatum".
The main character is "Bourne". The actor is "Matthew Damon".
Before you watch Bourne Ultimatum, you must watch watch Bourne identity,
the first of the series, and Bourne supremacy, the sequel.
Otherwise, you wouldn't understand the movie too well.

Matt Damon returns as highly trained assassin Jason Bourne,
who is on the hunt for the agents who stole his memory and true identity.
With a new generation of skilled CIA operatives tracking his every move,
Bourne is in a non-stop race around the globe as he finally learns the truth behind his mysterious past.
Loaded with incredible fight and chase sequences,
it's the exhilarating movie with "mind-blowing action" that you can't afford to miss!


My favourite movie is HARRY POTTER

This movie is based on a novel.

This movie has a hero, his name is Harry Potter.

Harry Potter was a nomal boy before he found out that he is a magician.

Everything in destiny depends on him.

The story starts with him going to school.

Rubeus Hagrid who is guards Hogwarts magic school tells him that he is a magician.

Harry Potter is very poor boy. because Voldemorte killed his parents.

The Harry Potter series is not finished.

It will continue.

this movie is full of dreams and hope.

Leona's favourite movie

My favourite movie is Amadeus.
The director is Milos Forman.This story by about Amadeus Mozart.

My second favorite movie is the Pianist.
The director is Polish. This has a Polish director, but he lives in the USA. This story about the world war and the Jews problems.
Next movie with the same question [problem] is "Schindlers List".

I like Tarantino's "Kill Bill". Tarantino is my favourite director. I like his shots, and I like the sountracks to his film's.

My other favourite movie is "The Piano".This story is about a women and her daughter.They live with a stranger or a rich man on an Island. It's a love story,but she loves another man.This man has a piano.

My other favourite movie is "Chocolate".
Others are "Amelie with Monmarter", "Frida".......I love movies!!


Jakub's favourite movie

Hello everybody......
My favourite movie is "PULP FICTION". The actors are John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Christopher Walken, Harwey Keitel and Uma Thurman. The director is Quentin Tarantino - he's a crazy man. Is it a big gangster movie. Is it from LA's underworld. It has three stories about gangster life.
The first story is about the killer Vincent Vega (John Travolta) who comes back from Europe after 3 years to LA and goes to "work" with his friend Jules Wintfield (Samuel L. Jackson). They go to a flat to kill men.The young men haven't done a good job for the head gangster Marsellus Wallace........
In the second story Vincent Vega goes out with Marselluse Wallace's wife, Mia (Uma Thurman). They go to dinner in club " Jack Rabbit Slims". They dance very well here and win the dance cup. After they go to Mia's home and she takes too many drugs. Vincent has to save her.........
In the third story, an old boxer Butch (Bruce Willis) does a job with head gangster Marsellus. Butch must lose his next boxing duel. They bet money but Butch wins his duel and has the gangster about back.........
All three stories blend together at the same time and start at random. Is it a very good movie. It's worth seeing........byebye!

Patrick's favourite movie

My favorite movie is "Cliffhanger"

The main character is a Strong man.

The actor is Silvester Stallone

The movie is set on the Rocky Mountains in Canada

He's a guide in the Rocky Mountains

His life is very difficult.

Yoyo and his favourite movie. Today, it is my birthday!


My favourite movie is Chorister. The main part of the story revolves around a Choral society . It is a French film .The movie is set in France. The scenes are in an orphanage. The children are duncers but thanks to the supervisor their life will change.
The supervisor will get them to love music by making an intermediate choral.
The children will change .They will start to be good.
This film got 13 awards.
It is a love story between children and their supervisor with a happy ending.

Martin's movie... not really...

Hi guys,I don't have a favourite movie,I like to go out rather than watch tv.My favourite hobby are cars,I like to watch them, and I like to speak about them and learn more.My first car was a Trabant from east Germany and my second car was a Trabant too.I had many experiences with them.I love them.

Hanspeters favourite movie

My favorite movie is "Mr. Bean goes on holiday" This is a comedy movie! The actor is Rowan Atikson! Mr. Bean is a special man. He is very stupid, but he reaches a new destination! He plays the lottery and wins! After he goes on holiday by train to Cannes. In the middle of his journey he gets to know a little boy and they go togeter to Cannes! The boy lost his father! After the journey they meet the father in a concert! This is the happy ending.

Gianne's Favourite Movie

My favourite movie is Notting Hill. The actress is Julia Roberts, she is a very good actress.
This movie talks about a famous actress, she lives in Notting Hill a beautiful part of London in the UK.
The famous actress loves a not so famous man, and this love story starts in a bookshop because he is a sales assistant in it.
She loves him because his life is very different, he's an anonymous man, and her life is peaceful.
This love story has a happy ending and she and he live happily forever.

Monique's favourite movie

I don't have a favorite movie, because I love many movies. For example, there is a Brazilian film: '' Tropa de Elite''.
This film has many fantastic actors, and is set in Brazil!(Rio de Janeiro)
The history is about one good policeman. He tries to finish corruption of the other policemen inside a shanty-town, of drugs and drug trafficing.
He has a wife, but she doesn't like his job, because they have a baby and she thinks its very dangerous for her husband to risk his life every day.
He has a good ideia! He trains anothers policemen and in the end chooses wisely and changes his job.

Bye bye see you tomorrow in Shelly Beach Pamela!!

Monday, November 12, 2007


Hello my name's Patrick, I come from Switzerland!
My Birthday is on 19.01.1981 I come from Zuerich. My hobbies are Body Pumping and Fitness. I am an eletrician. I like my job because I enjoy meals. I work for five days. People in Switzerland are very good. I enjoy living in Zuerich because its in the country of Switzerland. I came to Australia on 5.11.07 and I'm living here with a Homestay Family in North Bowgowlah.

I started school on 11.11.07 in Manly, and I will finish school on 11.01.08. I'll be here for 8 weeks here in ACE . Later I'll go around australia sightseeing for seven weeks!. I hope the weather is good, I'd like it to be very sun and hot in Australia. I hope that living here is a very natural life for other foreigners who are learning english.

See you soon


Soo Young

Hi ~ my name is BANG, Soo-young. I'm twenty-six years old.
I live in South Korea. My birthday is August 10th, and my blood type is AB.
There are 4 people in my family; me, my dad, my mom, and my older brother.
I'm a student and my major is in Chemistry.
My personality is blunt, and my first impression is often cold and scary.
I'm a bit shy but I make a living positively.
Even though my English is not excellent now, I'll try my best to improve my English in future.
These days, my interests are in soccer,bowling and going to the cinema.
I want to be a CEO.
If I become a CEO then I will work hard for the company and for the management crew.
I will end my introduction now.

See you
Soo Young

Mr. Lee


My name is Wai Leung Lee, I'm from Hong Kong. It's beautiful there. I'm 34 years old. I work as a warehouse supervisor. There are 6 people in my family; me, my dad, my mom and my 4 sisters.

My father is 48 years old. He's a businessman. My mother is 45 years old. She is a caregiver

My 4 sisters names are; Shan, Milk, Kiwi and Bird. Shan,Milk and Kiwi are married. Milk has got 1 child; a son, his name is Jerry. Jerry is a student. Shan, Milk and Bird are salesclerks, and Kiwi is an accountant. They all live in Hong Kong.

That's all I've got time for now!


Hello there!
My name is Leona.
I'm from a very small republic called - the Czech Republik. This is a small but nice country.
I live in the city of Karlovy Vary. This place is very beautiful, it's the spa city.
My brother lives in Manly. He's 33 years old. He's very reliable, and he works hard.
I have only one daughter. I'm divorced.
I study general English in Manly.
My daughter studies general English in Manly too. She's 16 years old. We're very satisfied here.
In my country, I'm a nurse in hospital. I love this work, but it's very strenuous, and the stress is often there .
I like art, the theater, movies, and music.

Bye for now!

English, english...speak only english!!!

Hi, friends!!!

My name is Gianne. I'm from Brazil, I live in Rio de Janeiro in a small flat.

I'm 25 years old. I have boyfriend, his name is Eduardo. He is a fitness teacher.

My mother is Helena, and my sister is Paula and my father lives in the sky. I don't live with my mother and my sister, but they are very important people in my live.

I have many friends, but good friends are very difficult to find, because I work many hours every day.

I work in CECIP- Center for the Creation of Popular Image, in Youth Project. I love my work, because young people are very intelligence and happy. I teach them about film production, educacion and comunication.

I love taking photographs because I can express my ideas. I prefer photographs of people.

In University I studied Social Science. It is very important in my country, because in Brazil, we have many social problems, but I love my country and my profession.


Hello Pamela,
My name is Damiano Gatta
My birthday is on 11th August.
I'm from Italy. My city is Brescia. It is a very important city in Italy for finding jobs, it is in the north of Italy.
My favorite sports are kite surfing or snowboarding.
My favorite music is reggae, especially Bob Marley.
I love animals, i look at them on my trip around the world.
I feel good in your class because your teaching is easy for me and also i have more and more problems for my understanding english.
you are very friendly.

Have a good day
Bye bye Dami

Spero di imparare presto l`inglese per poter finalmente parlare di tutto quello che voglio con chiunque incontri nei miei viaggi di lavoro e vacanza. ciao grazie x la tua disponibilta` ciao ciao.

Yoyo at the school for one month


My name is Yoann. I come from France. People in France are very friendly. I am twenty one years old. My birthday is on November 21st 1985. I live in Manly.

I am a lawyer. I like my job because it's interesting.

I enjoy sport. I often do sport every day .I also like travelling because I like different cultures.

Now I am at school. I start school at twenty past eight and I finish at half past two

My teacher is Pamela. She is very friendly.

My favourite day of the week is Friday because it is the weekend.

After school, I will go to visit the rest of the country.

In December, I will go to Cairns to do rafting, visit the barrier reef and the rainforests . After, I will go to Withsundays for 3 days and to Fraser island to do some camping .

For the Christmas holidays I will come back to Sydney .

In January , I will go to Bali with my brother for 2 weeks and South-East Australia.(Adelaide, Melbourne ,Canberra , and Tasmania)

After , maybe new Zealand , or new Caledonia.




Hi I'm Martin, I come from Prague. Prague is the capital city of the Czech Republic. I'm 29 years old. My hobbies are snowboarding, motorcycling and tasting beers. I like to relax with my friends too.I like listen to music. My favorite group comes from the Czech Republic, their name is Tri sestry[3 sisters] I go to their shows.I want to travel around Australia.
See you later



My name is Jose Nunes Soares ,I'm 28 years old.
I'm from Brazil.
I'm medium weight, I've got green eyes and brown hair.
I'm a Civil Engineer, I like my job because i like construction.
I'm living in Australia now, but I'm Brazilian and my life is in Brazil.
My family are Brazilian and they're living there.
I'm in Australia for three weeks, and I will stay here for more five months studying English.
When I finish English School, I will work here for four more months and travel around Australia for one more month, and after I will go back to Brazil.
I like Australia. Here, they have many beautiful girls and places.

See You Later!!!!


Hi, my name is Jakub. I come from the Czech Republic. Is it a small little country in the heart of Europe. I am XXXIII years old. I'm a site manager. I love it because every day is another day. My favourite hobby is ice hockey. It's very good and a difficult sport. In the Czech Republic it's a national hobby to drink beer. I like it....hmmmm. In the future I will travel to Australia, New Zealand and South America. In my class, I have new friends from all the world. Hanspeter and Fabian from Switzerland, Monique and Gianne from Brazil and there are others too. I like my teacher Pamela. She's very young, friendly and a very good teacher for my very bad spoken english. It's very difficult teaching spoken english to too many people in the classroom from many countries in the world.

That's all I have time for!
See ya!


My name's Hanspeter. I'm from Switzerland. My birthday is on 28th April 1983. I'm a carpenter. I have worked in the same job for 8 years. I like my job, beacuse i like working with nature. My hobbies include riding motorbikes in Summer and in the winter, i like skiing. I have two sisters and four brothers. I have been living in Sydney since 6th October. I will stay here for three months . I love the beach and the wonderful girls!
The people in my class are very good. I have people from Brazil, Italy, the Czech Republic, France, Hong Kong, Korea and Switzerland (and lovely lovely Ireland).
See you



My name is Fabian.
I come from Switzerland.
I live in Muri. I was born on 25th July 1982
I am a car mechanic.
I work in Wohlen
I have one car. It is an Audi. Pamela is jealous.
I have one brother. He is 18 years old and I have one sister, she is 23 years old.
My brother is a student.
My sister works in an office.
My favourite music is pop and rock music.
My friends in australia are Jakub, Hanspeter and Roman.
I like football and skiing in the swiss mountains.
See you in the Steyne


My names is Fillipe, I come from Brazil and I'm 23 years old. I live in Australia because, I want to learn english.

I like sports and parks. I love going to the beach, because I like surfing and the sun. I like to wear surf clothes. My favourite food is Brazilian food and I like coke.

My job in Brazil is in civil construction and I like it so much.

I study in ACE and my teacher is Pamela and she is very funny. I'm like her very much.

I look like my family and I miss them a lot.

I have a girlfriend and her name's Ligia.

My favourite music is eletronic music, because I love to act crazy.

My favourite day of the week is Saturday, because I relax.

I like movies and my favourite is.. I don't remember!!!! kkkkkkkkk...

I wanna make many friends in Australia.

Tuesday 13th November 2007

Hi I'm Pamela, the Elementary class teacher here in ACE Manly. I come from Drumsna, which is a small village in the north west of Ireland. Drumsna is on the river Shannon and every year, thousands of tourists come here to fish and to relax on the river cruisers. As a child I used to spend lots of my summers working on one of the locks of the Shannon with my father. He has been the lock-keeper at Albert Lock for the last 30 years. His father was the lock-keeper before him, and his father was the lock-keeper before him!

Our family is quite small, there are only four of us, my mother, my father my brother (Paul) and I. My brother is an engineer for a company called Hewlett Packard. My mother is a psychiatric nurse and next year she is going to take early retirement!

I left home when I was 17 and went to Limerick to study English and Media and Communication Studies at University. I left Ireland at the age of 19 and went to a town called Ribadeo in Galicia in the north west of Spain as part of my college placement. I taught English in a private language school for one year here. After that year I returned to finish my degree.

After that I moved to Japan for two years and taught English in four different high schools there. I absolutely loved my time there. I really miss the food, and so much of their culture. This winter just gone by, I came to Australia, and the rest as they say, is history.

I now live in Manly and am quickly beginning to love the relaxed life here. I am also happy to be skipping a winter after two very very cold ones in Japan!

In my free time I like singing, snow boarding and cooking- but now at the same time obviously! My favourite bands and singers are Coldplay, Snow Patrol, The Cranberries, Paulo Nutini, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, U2 and REM. The films I have enjoyed the most are Forest Gump, all the Back to the Future movies, The Shawshank Redemption and Remember the Titans. My favourite actor is Johnny Depp and favourite authors Dan Brown and Maeve Binchy.

I am a total television addict and love Lost, Desperate Housewives, House, 24, and Grey's Anatomy but my favourite show has to be Heroes!