Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Monique's first day

I arrived at Sydney Airport on a Tuesday morning.
I took a taxi to Harbord because I only had one friend in Australia, but he was working. I was lonely then!
I found my homestay. It was very close to my school.
The next day, I went to ACE and met Kelly for my exam and started in my new class.
I made very good friends(especially Gianne- I miss you, my new boyfriend Hanspeter lol=)Fabian and Jakub) and the best teacher, Pamela.
They showed me all the good pubs and restaurants.
I love Australia.

Kisses bye bye.

1 comment:

ACE Manly Elementary Students said...

Hi baby

I miss you too. We stay now in Bayron Bay for 7 days. I come back to Manly on 6 January. Kisses