Monday, November 12, 2007


Hello my name's Patrick, I come from Switzerland!
My Birthday is on 19.01.1981 I come from Zuerich. My hobbies are Body Pumping and Fitness. I am an eletrician. I like my job because I enjoy meals. I work for five days. People in Switzerland are very good. I enjoy living in Zuerich because its in the country of Switzerland. I came to Australia on 5.11.07 and I'm living here with a Homestay Family in North Bowgowlah.

I started school on 11.11.07 in Manly, and I will finish school on 11.01.08. I'll be here for 8 weeks here in ACE . Later I'll go around australia sightseeing for seven weeks!. I hope the weather is good, I'd like it to be very sun and hot in Australia. I hope that living here is a very natural life for other foreigners who are learning english.

See you soon
